How can we help you?

Thank you for contacting Union Church to see if they can support you at this difficult time. We hope that the following list will be useful for you.

Food Support: Union Church runs a regular Food Waste Project that collects ‘best before’ dated food and redistributes it, thus avoiding food waste. Although most of the food we collect is bakery, there is occasionally some fruit and veg. However, this does mean that we cannot offer sustainable help from this project but, if you are struggling, then please let us know and we will keep some of the vegetables back for you and let you know when we have done this.

For longer term support, we work with Hailsham Foodbank and can refer you to them. They do deliver to our area, but if you need support to attend their offices, we could perhaps help you with that too. If you are in need before they open (they are closed over the weekend) then we can support you with an emergency food parcel.

Emotional Support: The church runs a number of groups in the week and also partners with other like-minded groups who use our premises, often at subsidised rates. Some of these may be just what you need! Currently we run or host the following:-

Toddlers, AA, Tuesdays Together (fellowship for all ages), Tuesday Community Lunches, Confidence boosting drama group, Mankind male-support help group, Weekly Wellbeing Café, Monthly Hearing Aid Clinic, Parents of SEND children support group (with Amaze) , Kinship Carers Support, Monthly bereavement group and our friends at Young at Heart. During the school holidays, we run a programme called Chomp and Chat that provides a meal and free activities to families. This is not means tested and all are welcome – although financial contributions are very welcome from those who can afford it!

If you would like some more details for any of these then please contact us on the details below.

Our minister, is an ex-mental health chaplain and, along with some of our suitably trained volunteers, can offer some listening support. However, it should be noted that, although we are not counsellors, this service would be offered with all the usual boundaries expected in a counselling environment (e.g. time, confidentiality)

Internet access and technical support: We are also able to help you access the internet and can help you with online forms. We can also put you in touch with the local Citizen’s Advice Bureau and benefits advice. Please note that we must get you to sign a form allowing us to support you with online forms and that no information gathered will be kept by us.

Money: Unfortunately, we are not allowed to give monetary gifts. Please don’t ask as we hate saying no!

Rough sleepers: If you are sleeping rough, we can only help during our normal opening hours. We can offer an occasional meal, charging of portable devices, internet advice, Wi-Fi access, signposting, hygiene products and use of our toilets. We are not able to offer you a place to sleep or give financial gifts. In some circumstances we may be able to help with some clothes and equipment. We can link you with the local homeless team.

Useful links

Christians Against Poverty

Hailsham Food Bank

Too good to go app (cheap foodbags at the end of the day)

Age Concern Heathfield offer lifts to hospital and outings as well as run the Mens Shed

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